Homepage Concept


Design Homepage Content and Layout

  • JS Library
    • Visualization
      1. Three.js
      2. Chart.js
  • Problem Solving Most of problems will be coded in C++
    • BOJ
    • Programmers
    • SWEA

  • Cloud Computing
    • AWS
      1. Lambda
      2. EC2
      3. RDS
      4. AWS IoT Core
      5. API Gateway
      6. S3
      7. S3 Glacier
      8. CloudWatch
  • Chatbot
    • LINE Chatbot
      1. Chatbot Designer
      2. Integrate with AWS API Gateway, Lambda function
  • Firmware
    • RTOS
      • ESP-WROOM-32 Board
        1. Integrate with AWS RTOS and IoT Core
        2. MQTT


